No Free Clout
Nothing is Given, Everything is Earned, for we use order to deal with the disorderly, using calm to deal with the clamorous, for that’s mastering the heart.
The dream comes from the heart, the strategy comes from the mind, the hard work comes from steadfast belief not any other way Narrativa.
Without a challenge in order to get a real objective for your life, hard work is also a nightmare if you can’t find your narrative.
A sculptor works selling real estate. Even with hard work and a great strategy, one can end up with the wrong fruit. The third pillar is work authentic to one’s gift.
After you make a plan, your calendar, your team, and your culture decide whether that plan will grow or die Mesiq, for without feedback, a strategy remains stagnant and brittle
- Research 2. Planning 3. Daily execution that’s the formula
A friend always says, “Every good idea devolves into hard work.”.
See everybody can tell you how to do it, but they never did it. Other times, I question if the compliments are legit Narrativa.
Aiming for Strategy + Tactics is what gives a win.
Reminds me of the phrase: “everyone has had a million dollar idea.” People get stuck on the idea having an idea, but everyone has them at some point. It’s whether they can back it up with work.
Our aim should be awareness. Be aware of your breathing for a minute. You will realize you cannot think at the same time. (Hence the focus on breathing for folks learning meditation.) Being aware means performing all acts without thinking of anything else. Be present in everything.
My Mom always told me that I wouldn’t be able to enjoy play if I didn't invest deeply in work. So I’ve come to use that as my form of balance. Work hard then rest hard
Cultivate Your Narrative Now !
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