Social Distancing Through This Pandemic!
Social Distancing may be our best weapon to fight the Coronavirus pandemic, for It’s an introvert’s dream come true,because it is a tremendous act of generosity and solidarity. Many of us will not get sick, but social distancing breaks the chain of infection between us and those at high risk of severe complications and death from #coronavirus.
So we need to continue to create and build better friendships and partnerships, with kindness and empathy, not short term monetary gains.
Friendship happens on the way to something else. If you “try to meet new people” it feels weird and forced. The more you aim for friendship, the more it eludes you. But if you aim to learn or achieve something with others, friendship happens naturally during the shared pursuit.
Same thing goes for networking, for when you deliver value and start genuine conversations builds your network better than big events and big situations, so now while practicing “Social Distancing”, work on increasing your value from home.
Aristotle discusses the three types of friendship; utility, pleasure and virtue. All of them hold a purpose, and you’ll experience all of these in your lifetime, but the one of virtue is long lasting because each wants the best for one another.
“Be careful of the stories you’re telling yourself.” Think about all the different thought leaders now. In 1000 years, whose ideas will still be discussed? The truest ones probably about creating value away from large gatherings of massive people or having too many friends.
The effects of friendship are far more complex and profound than most gurus want you to believe…for it is also reasonable to prioritize time with people you enjoy being around and respect once you have a sense of the potential value of their friendship. We prioritize time in other ways — works with people too.
If the advice is to always be around people better than you, then the people better than you wouldn’t want to be around people lower than them anyways, contraire you can still improve your value through socially distancing yourself from those who belittle your current economic situation o status.
Just like happiness, success, love , friendship is a kind of by-product, it can’t be achieved alone, it can only achieved by something else, something more concrete like authenticity. In a mutual interest club or activity, get to know me I get to know you.
This epitomizes today’s networking events, for everyone thinks and behaves with a short term mindset. The networking event’s don’t work usually unless there’s a theme to discuss, for I've been to too many where people are forced to talk to each other and each of their services have no relevance to either party.
Like anything desired right? (Romantic relationship, job, friendship etc.) The magic is in focusing on getting the process/journey right and in alignment with yourself.
The most money you’ll ever make in your life will be through connections and your network. You have a mango tree. Yes, you can find buyers but it’ll be hard. Or, you can have a friend that has a friend that owns a smoothie company. He’ll need your mango to go with his already established banana farm. You have en entry.
Make friends wherever you go. Stay in touch with them, send them a message here and there, even if they’re not close friends that you hang out with everyday. Grow your circle. Both women and men in higher and lower than you on the social hierarchy. Both can bring something to the table.
And obviously, have something to offer. It’s only normal and expected. Attention and time “ALWAYS” cost something. Knowledge, money, resources… Anything. Bring something to the table. Be of use in the grand scheme of things. Go as far as making yourself irreplaceable.
“I’m an introvert. I like being by myself” not true. Your anxiety & depression make you think you’re not worthy of participating in any social group. People who have their life together CRAVE being around other people. Being social is a human hardwired survival mechanism.
Friendship is not jealous.
Friendship is freely given.
Friends walk side by side.
Friendship is necessarily exclusive.
Friendship is not enough.
This danger in friendship points us to the last important truth. Friendship is not enough. In this life, your friends — even the best ones — will at some point let you down, for “Friendship, then, like the other natural loves, is unable to save himself . . . it must . . . invoke the divine protection if it hopes to remain sweet.” C. S Lewis.
You exist. You’re already here, on this planet. You are you! Why walk around being a cheap version of what you could be by yourself? Why not reach your full potential by socially distancing yourself with people whom you care about deeply? You have to start thinking about it from an existential perspective.
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